Monday, September 17, 2018

President Duterte: I Pity My Country - OPEN PIT MINING MUST STOP!

ILOCOS Norte Capitol, Philippines September 16, 2018 – Upon giving the latest update on the effects of typhoon OMPONG, President Duterte held a briefing in Ilocos Norte together with other government officials including the daughter of the former president Ferdiand Marcos, Imee Marcos, and Sap Bong Go. The LGUs are still continuing to assist the victims of typhoon OMPONG, most especially the flooded areas of the province which is on its process for recovery.

A big mining company that stopped in 1997 was commissioned during the briefing. The report says ‘an area that supposed to be the site of Benguet consolidated mining has an ongoing rehabilitation. But because of the existent of gold in that area, there is an establishment of a small-scale mining.’

Several months ago, an LGU started anti-mining operations in Baguio. The said area is supposed to be a “minahang bayan” but the indigenous didn’t give in their properties easily that’s why the operation minahang bayan did not prosper for a while. The purpose of minahang bayan is to have a better regulation and supervision for small-scale miners.

During the typhoon OMPONG, Baguio was recorded as the city with the heaviest rainfall which measured 500mm. Earlier before the typhoon landed, there was already an announcement of emergency evacuation in that area but the miners refused to evict themselves.

President Duterte replied on the issue – “I am hell-bent to stop destructive mining in the Philippines. Roy, I have tasked him, he is also in the cabinet. I have a great trust in him. THE OPEN PIT MINING MUST STOP. You know if you go to Mindanao, if you will fly, you will see it (mining pit). It loosens the earth because the water is deposited unto it. So the underline peripheral community is always in danger. And anywhere your say about pit mining, expect that there will be no trees left. I PITY MY COUNTRY. And if I do not decide really to stop it, although we’re earning seventy billion in mine tax. But if you compare it with the destruction in the long term, our children will suffer. Mining must stop, and if I cannot stop it during my time as president, nobody can. Because it is big business and the pressure is just too great.”

President Duterte also added that ‘he just have one thing in mind; to protect my country. I have no agenda.’