Monday, September 24, 2018

Plaza Miranda Bombing: Conspiracy or Indecent? Who Is Behind It? (A Glimpse Of History)

Benigno Simeon Aquino Jr. also known as Ninoy Aquino had been eliminated on August 21, 1983, in Manila International Airport after his heart operation in the United States of America. As a number one critic of President Ferdinand Marcos, Ninoy was imprisoned during the Martial law.

The Bombing of Plaza Miranda

The bombing at the Plaza Miranda in the district of Quiapo, Manila, Philippines took place on August 21, 1971, where 95 reported injured and has a record of nine diseased which includes Liberal Party representative and politicians. It described as when a rally was held headed by Liberal Party with an estimated number of 4,000 protesters, also known today as the Yellow Liberals, two grenades were thrown on the stage.

The Liberal Party blamed President Ferdinand Marcos for the incident but a few years later, some leading personalities which are related to the event said that the blame should not be on Ferdinand Marcos, but to the Communist Party of the Philippines which is founded by Jose Maria Sison also known as Joma Sison.

Theoretically, the majority of history annalist relentlessly concluded that President Ferdinand Marcos used a cover operation as his excuse on the reason on why did he proclaim Martial Law.

On a video clip showing Ninoy Aquino upon his speech, he stated – “Believe me, Mr. President, that if you do not lift your Martial Law, BOMBS WILL BE BURSTING IN MANILA. Mr. Marcos told me insane, you know what he said? He shouldn’t have been a heart operation, it should have been his head operated. He did not listen to me.” He also added – “as you very well know, bombs exploded in the city. August, September, October, and Mr. Marcos made me the mad bomber. I am not threatening Mr. Marcos, I only reiterating my word of advice. IF THEY DO NOT INCREASE THE FREEDOMS IN OUR COUNTRY, THEN I AM AFRAID THAT BOMBS WILL BURST AGAIN.
Here is the video:

So the question regarding Aquino’s speech, on his statement that ‘it is not a threat’, why did it happen in the first place? Did he just predicted it, or he really knows that there is an existing plan about the bombing? How does he know that? Does he have a solid evidence to prove his conditional claim to Marcos?

On the interview between Bonbong Marcos and Senator Juan Ponce Enrile, they mentioned the biggest security problem of the Philippines is the communist’s revolution. The Senator also stated that there was a working coalition between the Liberal Party (Yellow) and the New People’s Army (NPA).

As of today, the majority of Filipinos are confused on what really happened during that time. Many people believed it was Marcos’ fault but later, escalating numbers of Filipinos know the problem with history little by little.